Unleashing the Power of CopilotKit: The Ultimate Guide to Integrating AI Copilots into Your Product

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology, AI-driven tools and components are transforming the way we build and interact with applications. Among the cutting-edge innovations in this realm is CopilotKit—a robust and versatile solution designed to seamlessly integrate AI copilots into any product. This comprehensive guide explores the features, setup, and advanced functionalities of CopilotKit, offering insights into how it can revolutionize your application with advanced AI capabilities.

What is CopilotKit?

CopilotKit is a sophisticated framework that provides a streamlined way to incorporate production-ready AI copilots into your applications. With its plug-and-play components and rich feature set, CopilotKit simplifies the integration of intelligent AI functionalities, making it accessible for developers to enhance their products with AI-driven interactions. Whether you’re aiming to introduce in-app chatbots, automate actions, or render dynamic UI components, CopilotKit offers the tools and flexibility to bring your vision to life.

Key Features of CopilotKit

1. In-App AI Chatbot

CopilotKit’s in-app AI chatbot components are designed for effortless integration, including support for headless UI. These chatbots enable real-time interaction with users, enhancing engagement and providing valuable assistance.

2. Copilot Readable State

The Copilot Readable State feature allows copilots to access and comprehend the current state of the application. This capability ensures that the AI can respond accurately and contextually to user inputs based on the application’s status.

3. Copilot Actions

With the Copilot Actions feature, copilots can perform specific actions within the application. This functionality enables the AI to execute tasks and trigger responses based on user interactions or predefined conditions.

4. Generative UI

Generative UI is a standout feature that allows the rendering of any React component within the copilot chat interface. This dynamic capability ensures that the UI remains responsive and adaptable to user needs and interactions.

5. Copilot Textarea

The Copilot Textarea component provides powerful AI autocompletion, serving as a drop-in replacement for any standard textarea. This feature enhances user input efficiency by offering intelligent suggestions and completions.

6. AI Autosuggestions

AI-powered autosuggestions within the chat interface help users by predicting and suggesting relevant inputs. This feature improves the overall user experience by reducing typing effort and guiding users toward more accurate entries.

7. Copilot Tasks

Copilot Tasks enable copilots to proactively take actions based on the application’s state. This feature enhances the AI’s ability to automate processes and perform tasks autonomously, streamlining workflows and improving efficiency.

8. And Much More!

Beyond the core features, CopilotKit offers a wide range of additional functionalities and customization options, making it a versatile tool for integrating AI capabilities into any application.

Getting Started with CopilotKit

Setting Up the Frontend

To start leveraging CopilotKit in your application, you need to set up the frontend components. This involves wrapping all components that interact with your copilot with the CopilotKit provider. Additionally, you can utilize the CopilotSidebar UI component to display the copilot chat sidebar. Other available options include CopilotPopup and CopilotChat, each offering different methods of integrating the chat interface.

Implementing Copilot Readable State

To enable the copilot to understand the application state, you can use the useCopilotReadable hook. This hook provides the copilot with the necessary state information, allowing it to respond intelligently to user interactions based on the current status of the application.

Allowing Copilot Actions

Making your copilots more powerful involves allowing them to perform actions within the application. This can be achieved by using the useCopilotAction hook, which enables copilots to execute predefined actions or trigger responses based on user inputs and application events.

Advanced Features and Customization

Generative UI: Dynamic Component Rendering

The Generative UI feature of CopilotKit allows you to render dynamic React components in the copilot chat window. This capability is particularly useful for creating interactive and responsive user interfaces. For example, you can use the useCopilotAction hook to render custom UI elements based on user actions or application state.

Here’s a practical example of how to render a UI component using Generative UI:

import { useCopilotAction } from 'copilotkit';

const MyComponent = () => {
  const action = useCopilotAction(() => {
    return <div>Rendering a dynamic UI component!</div>;

  return action;

Rendering a Waiting Message

In scenarios where you need to inform users that an action is in progress, you can render a simple waiting message. This is achieved by returning a string from the method, which will be displayed as a message in the copilot chat window.


const action = useCopilotAction(() => {
  return "Processing your request...";

Integrating Copilot Runtime

The Copilot Runtime is the backend component of CopilotKit responsible for handling communication with the large language model (LLM), managing message history, and maintaining application state. You have the option to self-host the Copilot Runtime or use the recommended Copilot Cloud service.

Service Adapters

CopilotKit supports various service adapters for interacting with LLMs, including:

  • OpenAIAdapter: For integrating with OpenAI’s models.
  • OpenAIAssistantAdapter: Specifically for OpenAI’s assistant models.
  • LangChainAdapter: For connecting with LangChain services.
  • GroqAdapter: For integrating with Groq models.
  • GoogleGenerativeAIAdapter: For using Google’s generative AI models.

Integration Steps

  1. Create an Endpoint: Set up a new route to handle the Copilot Runtime endpoint. This is typically done using common web frameworks.

  2. Configure the Provider: Point the CopilotKit provider to your Copilot Runtime URL. This configuration enables CopilotKit to communicate with your backend.

Example configuration:

import { CopilotKitProvider } from 'copilotkit';

const App = () => (
  <CopilotKitProvider url="https://your-copilot-runtime-url">
    {/* Your application components */}

Customization and Branding

Custom CSS

CopilotKit allows for extensive customization of its appearance through CSS. You can override CSS variables to adjust colors and styles, ensuring that the copilot’s look and feel aligns with your application’s branding.

Custom Icons

You can customize the icons used in CopilotKit components, such as the open/close chat buttons, send button, and more. This flexibility ensures that the copilot interface seamlessly integrates with your application’s design.

Custom Labels

Labels within CopilotKit components can be customized to match your application's terminology and style. This includes initial messages, chat window titles, and button labels.

Swapping Out Components

For complete control over the chat interface, you can swap out default components with your own custom components. This allows you to tailor the chat window’s layout and functionality to meet specific requirements.

Examples and Tutorials

To help you get started with CopilotKit, several tutorials and example projects are available. These resources provide step-by-step instructions for implementing various features and integrating CopilotKit into your application. For instance, the AI Todo List Copilot Tutorial offers a practical example of how to use CopilotKit to build an AI-powered todo list application.


CopilotKit is a powerful and versatile framework that simplifies the integration of AI copilots into any product. With its extensive feature set, customizable components, and robust backend integration, CopilotKit empowers developers to create intelligent, interactive applications with ease. Whether you’re building an in-app chatbot, automating tasks, or rendering dynamic UI components, CopilotKit offers the tools and flexibility to enhance your application’s capabilities and user experience.

By leveraging the capabilities of CopilotKit, you can stay at the forefront of AI innovation and deliver a superior user experience that sets your product apart from the competition. Explore the documentation, experiment with the features, and unlock the full potential of CopilotKit in your applications today!

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