What's New in Astro 4.12 Server Islands

Astro 4.12 has arrived, introducing a host of powerful features and improvements to elevate your web development experience. The star of this release is the experimental Server Islands, a groundbreaking innovation that combines high-performance static HTML with dynamic server-generated components. This release also brings enhancements to pagination and syntax highlighting, along with other notable updates. Let’s dive deep into what Astro 4.12 has to offer.

The Evolution of Server-Side Rendering: Server Islands

Astro has been at the forefront of web development innovation since its inception. With Astro 4.12, the introduction of Server Islands marks a significant leap forward in the way we build and optimize web pages.

The Concept of Server Islands

Server Islands extend Astro's revolutionary islands architecture to the server. Traditionally, Astro allowed developers to create "islands" of interactive client-side components within mostly static pages. Server Islands take this concept further by enabling the seamless integration of static HTML and dynamic server-generated content on the same page. This means you can now serve static content with maximum performance while selectively deferring dynamic content to the server.

The Need for Server Islands

Modern web pages often contain a mix of static and dynamic content. Static content remains unchanged over time, while dynamic content can be updated frequently or personalized for individual users. Until now, developers had to choose a single caching strategy for an entire page, often resulting in suboptimal performance. Server Islands provide a solution by allowing different parts of a page to be handled with different caching strategies.

Consider a typical e-commerce site: product descriptions and images are largely static, but elements like the shopping cart, user profile, and personalized recommendations are dynamic. With Server Islands, static content can be aggressively cached on edge CDNs, ensuring fast load times for critical parts of the page. Dynamic content, such as user-specific data, can be fetched and rendered independently without compromising the performance of the static content.

How Server Islands Work

Server Islands work by deferring the rendering of certain components to the server. When you mark a component with the server:defer directive, Astro replaces the component's content with a small script during the build process. This script, along with any fallback content specified using the slot="fallback" attribute, is sent to the client. When the page loads in the browser, the script makes a request to a special endpoint to fetch and render the dynamic content.

Here’s an example of how to use the server:defer directive:

<Avatar server:defer>
  <GenericUserImage slot="fallback" />

In this example, the Avatar component is deferred, and the GenericUserImage component is used as fallback content. When the page loads, the Avatar component is fetched from the server and rendered dynamically.

Performance Benefits

To evaluate the performance benefits of Server Islands, the Astro team built a demo site, server-islands.com, inspired by the Next.js Partial Prerendering demo. The results were impressive:

Metrics partialprerendering.com server-islands.com
Time To First Byte 0.838s 0.766s
First Contentful Paint 1.740s 1.251s
Largest Contentful Paint 1.740s 1.405s
Total Blocking Time 0.093s 0.018s

The demo showed that Server Islands consistently outperformed Partial Prerendering, achieving a 20% faster Largest Contentful Paint. This metric is crucial for user experience and SEO, making Server Islands a compelling choice for performance-critical applications.

Portability and Flexibility

One of the key advantages of Server Islands is their portability. Unlike some server-side rendering solutions that depend on specific server infrastructure, Server Islands can work with any hosting environment. Whether you’re using a Node.js server, a Docker container, or a serverless provider, Server Islands can be seamlessly integrated into your deployment pipeline.

Trying Out Server Islands

Server Islands are still in the experimental phase, but you can start using them today with Astro 4.12. To enable the feature, add the following configuration to your Astro project:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import netlify from '@astrojs/netlify';

export default defineConfig({
  output: 'hybrid',
  adapter: netlify(),
  experimental: {
    serverIslands: true,

With the feature enabled, you can use the server:defer directive on any component to defer its rendering to the server.

Getting Involved

Server Islands are under active development, and the Astro team welcomes feedback from the community. An active RFC is available for those interested in contributing to the feature’s evolution. Try out Server Islands in Astro 4.12 and share your thoughts to help shape the future of this exciting technology.

Enhancements to Pagination

Astro 4.12 introduces a small but significant enhancement to the pagination system. The paginate() helper now returns first and last properties in the pagination data. These properties provide the URLs for the first and last pages, respectively, making it easier to navigate through paginated content.

Using the Enhanced Pagination Data

Here’s how you can take advantage of the new first and last properties:

import { paginate } from 'astro:content';

export async function get() {
  const allPosts = await getAllPosts();
  const page = await paginate(allPosts, { pageSize: 10 });

  return {
    body: JSON.stringify({
      first: page.first,
      last: page.last,

With these new properties, you can now easily create links to the first and last pages in your paginated content, improving the user experience and navigation of your site.

Syntax Highlighting with Shiki’s defaultColor Option

Astro 4.12 enhances the syntax highlighting capabilities by adding support for Shiki’s defaultColor option. This option allows you to override a theme’s inline style values, adding only CSS variables for greater flexibility in applying multiple color themes.

Configuring Shiki’s defaultColor Option

To configure the defaultColor option in your Shiki configuration, use the following syntax:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
import shiki from 'astro-shiki';

export default defineConfig({
  integrations: [
      theme: 'nord',
      defaultColor: '#d8dee9',

You can also pass the defaultColor option directly to Astro’s built-in <Code> component to style individual code blocks:

<Code lang="javascript" theme="nord" defaultColor="#d8dee9">
  console.log('Hello, world!');

This enhancement provides greater control over the appearance of your code snippets, allowing for a more cohesive and visually appealing design.

New inferRemoteSize Function

In Astro 4.4, a new property was added to the Image and Picture components to automatically infer the size of remote images. Astro 4.12 takes this a step further with the introduction of the inferRemoteSize() function. This function allows you to get the size of a remote image independently of the Image and Picture components or the getImage() function.

Using the inferRemoteSize Function

Here’s how you can use the inferRemoteSize() function to obtain the dimensions of a remote image:

import { inferRemoteSize, Image } from 'astro:assets';

const { width, height } = await inferRemoteSize('https://example.com/image.jpg');

<Image src="https://example.com/image.jpg" width={width / 2} height={height} densities={[1.5, 2]} />

This function is particularly useful when you need the image dimensions for generating different densities or for styling purposes. It provides a flexible and efficient way to work with remote images in your Astro projects.

More Updates and Improvements

Astro 4.12 includes several other bug fixes and smaller improvements that contribute to a more stable and feature-rich platform. Be sure to check out the full release notes to learn more about all the enhancements and fixes included in this release.

Upgrading to Astro 4.12

Upgrading to Astro 4.12 is straightforward. You can use the automated @astrojs/upgrade CLI tool or upgrade manually using your preferred package manager. Here are the commands to upgrade manually:

Using npx

npx @astrojs/upgrade

Using npm

npm install astro@latest

Using pnpm

pnpm upgrade astro --latest

Using yarn

yarn upgrade astro --latest


Astro 4.12 brings a host of exciting features and improvements, with Server Islands leading the charge. This innovative approach to combining static and dynamic content promises to revolutionize web development by offering unparalleled performance and flexibility. Alongside enhancements to pagination, syntax highlighting, and image handling, this release solidifies Astro’s position as a powerful and versatile framework for building modern web applications.

Whether you’re a seasoned Astro user or new to the platform, Astro 4.12 offers something for everyone. Embrace these new features to enhance your projects and deliver exceptional web experiences. For more information and to get started with Astro 4.12, visit the official website.

Happy coding!

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