Introducing Clickvote: Revolutionizing User Engagement with Likes, Upvotes, and Reviews

In the dynamic world of digital interaction, fostering user engagement is crucial for the success of any application. Clickvote emerges as a powerful tool to seamlessly integrate like, upvote, and review functionalities into any app, thereby boosting user interaction and providing valuable insights. This detailed blog post delves into the technical aspects of Clickvote, exploring its features, integration processes, and the benefits it brings to developers and businesses alike.

Introduction to Clickvote

Clickvote is an open-source platform designed to embed like, upvote, and review components into applications effortlessly. It is built with scalability and user-centric analytics in mind, enabling developers to understand user preferences and optimize their apps accordingly.

Key Features of Clickvote

  • Monitor and Test User Preferences: Clickvote allows you to monitor the time-series data of likes and upvotes, giving you insights into user preferences over time.
  • Scalability: The platform is designed to handle an unlimited number of likes and upvotes, ensuring seamless performance even with high traffic.
  • Integration: Clickvote offers flexible integration options, including API calls and Kafka topics, to ensure the data collected aligns with your system's architecture.
  • Community-Driven Development: With over 3,000 contributors worldwide, Clickvote thrives on community support, making it a robust and continuously improving platform.

Getting Started with Clickvote

Clickvote offers two primary deployment options: self-hosted and cloud-based. Both options provide flexibility depending on your requirements and technical capabilities.

Self-Hosted Deployment

Running Clickvote locally using Docker Compose is a straightforward process, giving you full control over the setup and customization.

Step-by-Step Guide to Self-Hosting Clickvote

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning the Clickvote repository from GitHub.

    git clone
    cd clickvote
  2. Setup Environment Variables: Create a .env file and configure your environment variables as required.

  3. Run Docker Compose: Use Docker Compose to start the Clickvote services.

    docker-compose up -d
  4. Access the Dashboard: Once the services are up and running, you can access the Clickvote dashboard to manage and monitor your components.

For detailed documentation, visit the Clickvote Documentation.

Cloud Deployment

For those who prefer a hassle-free setup, Clickvote offers a cloud-based managed service. This option is ideal for quickly getting started without worrying about infrastructure maintenance.

  1. Sign Up: Register for a free account on the Clickvote cloud platform.
  2. Embed Components: Use the provided API keys and scripts to embed like, upvote, and review components into your application.
  3. Monitor Analytics: Access real-time analytics and insights through the Clickvote dashboard.

Embedding Clickvote Components

Integrating Clickvote components into your application is designed to be as seamless as possible. Here's a detailed guide on how to embed these components using JavaScript.

Step 1: Include the Clickvote Script

Include the Clickvote script in your HTML file to load the necessary libraries.

<script src=""></script>

Step 2: Initialize Clickvote

Initialize Clickvote with your API key.

  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY'

Step 3: Add Like and Upvote Buttons

Add like and upvote buttons to your content.

<button onclick="'content-id')">Like</button>
<button onclick="Clickvote.upvote('content-id')">Upvote</button>

Step 4: Handle Reviews

Implement the review functionality by adding a review form and handling the submission.

<form id="reviewForm">
  <textarea id="reviewText"></textarea>
  <button type="submit">Submit Review</button>

  document.getElementById('reviewForm').addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
    var reviewText = document.getElementById('reviewText').value;'content-id', reviewText);

Step 5: Monitor Interactions

Use the Clickvote dashboard to monitor and analyze the interactions. The dashboard provides a comprehensive view of user engagement, helping you understand what content resonates most with your audience.

Technical Architecture of Clickvote

Clickvote's architecture is designed to be robust, scalable, and easy to integrate with various systems. The core components include:

  1. Frontend SDK: A lightweight JavaScript SDK that can be easily embedded into any web application.
  2. Backend Services: Microservices architecture handling the storage, processing, and analytics of likes, upvotes, and reviews.
  3. Database: Scalable and secure databases (such as PostgreSQL) to store user interaction data.
  4. Message Queues: Kafka topics for real-time data streaming and integration with other systems.
  5. APIs: RESTful APIs for seamless communication between the frontend SDK and backend services.

Frontend SDK

The frontend SDK is designed to be lightweight and easy to integrate. It handles user interactions and communicates with the backend services to record and retrieve data.

Key Functions of the SDK

  • Initialization: Sets up the SDK with necessary configurations.
  • Interaction Handling: Functions to handle likes, upvotes, and reviews.
  • Data Transmission: Securely transmits data to the backend services.

Backend Services

The backend services are built using a microservices architecture, ensuring scalability and fault tolerance. Each service handles specific functionalities such as user authentication, data storage, and analytics processing.

Key Services

  • User Service: Manages user authentication and authorization.
  • Interaction Service: Handles the recording and retrieval of likes, upvotes, and reviews.
  • Analytics Service: Processes data to

provide insights and generate reports on user interactions.


Clickvote utilizes PostgreSQL as its primary database, leveraging its robustness and scalability. The database schema is designed to efficiently store and query user interactions, ensuring quick access to data for analytics and reporting.

Key Database Tables

  • Users: Stores user information and authentication data.
  • Content: Stores details about the content being interacted with.
  • Interactions: Stores records of likes, upvotes, and reviews.
  • Analytics: Stores aggregated data for generating reports and insights.

Message Queues

Kafka is used for real-time data streaming and integration with other systems. By leveraging Kafka topics, Clickvote ensures that user interactions are processed in real-time and can be integrated with external systems for further processing or analysis.

Key Kafka Topics

  • LikeTopic: Streams data related to likes.
  • UpvoteTopic: Streams data related to upvotes.
  • ReviewTopic: Streams data related to reviews.
  • AnalyticsTopic: Streams aggregated data for analytics processing.


Clickvote offers RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between the frontend SDK and backend services. These APIs are designed to be secure, scalable, and easy to use.

Key API Endpoints

  • POST /like: Records a like interaction.
  • POST /upvote: Records an upvote interaction.
  • POST /review: Records a review interaction.
  • GET /analytics: Retrieves analytics data for a specific content or time period.

Advanced Integration Scenarios

Clickvote's flexibility allows it to be integrated into various advanced scenarios, enhancing its utility and providing deeper insights into user behavior.

Integration with Existing Analytics Platforms

Clickvote can be integrated with existing analytics platforms such as Google Analytics or Mixpanel. This allows for a unified view of user interactions across different platforms.

Example: Integrating with Google Analytics

  1. Capture Clickvote Events: Use the Clickvote SDK to capture events.
  2. Send Events to Google Analytics: Use the Google Analytics API to send captured events.
    Clickvote.on('like', function(contentId) {
      gtag('event', 'like', {
        'content_id': contentId

Real-Time Notifications

Using Kafka, Clickvote can trigger real-time notifications based on user interactions. For example, you can send a notification to the content creator when their content receives a new like or review.

Example: Sending Notifications with Kafka

  1. Listen to Kafka Topics: Set up a consumer to listen to Kafka topics for new interactions.
  2. Trigger Notifications: Use a notification service (e.g., Firebase Cloud Messaging) to send notifications.

    const kafka = require('kafka-node');
    const Consumer = kafka.Consumer;
    const client = new kafka.KafkaClient();
    const consumer = new Consumer(client, [{ topic: 'LikeTopic', partition: 0 }], { autoCommit: true });
    consumer.on('message', function(message) {
      const interaction = JSON.parse(message.value);
      sendNotification(interaction.userId, 'Your content received a new like!');

Custom Analytics Dashboards

Clickvote's analytics data can be used to build custom dashboards that provide deeper insights into user behavior. These dashboards can be tailored to meet specific business needs, providing a comprehensive view of user interactions.

Example: Building a Custom Dashboard with React

  1. Fetch Analytics Data: Use the Clickvote API to fetch analytics data.

      .then(response => response.json())
      .then(data => setAnalyticsData(data));
  2. Display Data in Charts: Use a charting library (e.g., Chart.js) to display the data.

    const data = {
      labels: analyticsData.dates,
      datasets: [{
        label: 'Likes',
        data: analyticsData.likes,
        borderColor: 'rgba(75, 192, 192, 1)',
        borderWidth: 1
    return (
      <Line data={data} />

Contributing to Clickvote

Clickvote is an open-source project, and contributions from the community are highly encouraged. Whether you are a developer looking to improve the codebase or a business seeking to integrate Clickvote into your application, there are several ways to get involved.

How to Contribute

  1. Fork the Repository: Start by forking the Clickvote repository on GitHub.
  2. Create a Branch: Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
    git checkout -b feature/new-feature
  3. Make Changes: Implement your changes, ensuring you follow the project's coding standards and guidelines.
  4. Submit a Pull Request: Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.

Community Support

Join the Clickvote community on Discord or follow us on Twitter to stay updated with the latest developments, seek support, and collaborate with other contributors.


Clickvote is open-source and available under the Apache 2.0 License. This allows you to freely use, modify, and distribute the software, provided you comply with the terms of the license.

Apache 2.0 License

The Apache 2.0 License is a permissive license that allows you to:

  • Use the software for any purpose.
  • Distribute the software.
  • Modify the software and distribute the modifications.
  • Place warranty on the software.

For more details, read the full license here.


Clickvote is a versatile and powerful platform that enhances user engagement through likes, upvotes, and reviews. Its robust architecture, easy integration, and scalable nature make it an ideal choice for developers and businesses looking to improve user interaction and gain valuable insights.

By offering both self-hosted and cloud-based deployment options, Clickvote provides flexibility to meet diverse needs. The platform's commitment to open-source principles ensures continuous improvement and community support, making it a reliable and future-proof solution.

Explore Clickvote today, integrate it into your application, and take your user engagement to the next level. Whether you are a developer, a business owner, or a community contributor, Clickvote has something valuable to offer. Start leveraging the power of user feedback and interaction analytics with Clickvote and watch your application thrive.

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