What's New in Bun v1.0.31

What is New in Bun

In the ever-evolving landscape of JavaScript development, staying up-to-date with the latest tools and technologies is essential for developers aiming to build efficient and robust applications. One such tool that has been making waves in the JavaScript community is Bun. With its multifaceted capabilities encompassing runtime optimization, bundling, transpilation, and package management, Bun has emerged as a go-to solution for many JavaScript developers.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of the latest release of Bun, version 1.0.31. Packed with numerous enhancements, bug fixes, and new features, this release represents a significant milestone in the evolution of Bun. From performance improvements to enhanced compatibility and security features, there's a lot to unpack. So, without further ado, let's dive in!

Understanding Bun 1.0.31

Bun 1.0.31 is more than just a routine update; it's a testament to the commitment of its developers to continually enhance the tool's functionality and address the evolving needs of the JavaScript ecosystem. This release focuses on fixing bugs, improving performance, and introducing new features that empower developers to streamline their workflows and build better applications.

Bug Fixes and Enhancements

One of the highlights of Bun 1.0.31 is the resolution of 54 bugs, accompanied by the integration of 113 reactions from the community. These fixes span a wide range of areas, including runtime stability, performance optimizations, and compatibility improvements. Notable bug fixes include:

  • Addressing high CPU usage bug in spawn() on older Linux systems.
  • Fixing macOS binary size regression.
  • Resolving memory leaks impacting Prisma.
  • Enhancing reliability across various components, such as WebSocket client and Bun Shell.

These fixes not only improve the overall stability of Bun but also contribute to a smoother development experience for users across different environments.

New Features

In addition to bug fixes, Bun 1.0.31 introduces several exciting features aimed at enhancing developer productivity and expanding the tool's capabilities. Let's explore some of the notable additions:

1. bun --print

The introduction of bun --print offers developers a convenient way to evaluate code and print the result using console.log. This feature supports various JavaScript constructs, including top-level await, ESM, CommonJS, TypeScript, and JSX. By aligning with the node --print functionality, bun --print ensures seamless compatibility with existing workflows and npm packages.

2. Run Code from Stdin

With the new ability to run code from stdin (bun run -), developers can now execute code directly from a file or script, streamlining the development and testing process. Whether it's piping code snippets or executing scripts, this feature provides flexibility and convenience, particularly in automation and scripting scenarios.

3. Trusted Dependencies Management

Bun 1.0.31 introduces enhancements to how it handles trusted dependencies in package.json. By default, Bun avoids running postinstall scripts for untrusted packages, enhancing security by mitigating the risk of executing potentially malicious code. The addition of commands like bun pm untrusted and bun pm trust offers granular control over dependency execution, empowering developers to manage dependencies more effectively.

4. Unix Sockets in fetch()

Support for Unix sockets in fetch() opens up new possibilities for networking in JavaScript applications. By enabling HTTP requests over Unix sockets, Bun facilitates seamless communication with services that utilize Unix socket-based communication, such as the Docker daemon. This feature enhances the versatility of JavaScript applications, particularly in environments where Unix sockets are prevalent.

Node.js Compatibility Improvements

Bun 1.0.31 doubles down on improving compatibility with Node.js, ensuring a seamless experience for developers leveraging Bun in Node.js projects. Key improvements include:

  • Integration of util.styleText() API, enabling text styling using ANSI escape codes.
  • Addition of socketPath option in node:http, allowing HTTP requests via Unix or abstract domain sockets.
  • Support for legacy domainToASCII and domainToUnicode APIs for domain name manipulation.
  • Resolution of issues related to child_process timeouts and socket event firing in node:http.

These compatibility enhancements not only bridge the gap between Bun and Node.js but also pave the way for smoother integration and interoperability in JavaScript projects.


In conclusion, Bun 1.0.31 represents a significant advancement in the capabilities and usability of the Bun toolchain. From bug fixes to feature enhancements and compatibility improvements, this release embodies the collaborative efforts of the Bun community to deliver a robust and versatile tool for JavaScript developers.

Whether you're bundling modules, optimizing runtime performance, or managing dependencies, Bun empowers you to streamline your development workflow and build high-quality JavaScript applications with ease. With each release, Bun continues to evolve, staying ahead of the curve and meeting the dynamic demands of modern web development.

So, if you haven't already, it's time to harness the power of Bun and elevate your JavaScript development experience to new heights. Happy coding!

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