Firecamp - Open Source Postman API Alternative

Discover a revolution in API development with Firecamp, a developer-centric platform that prioritizes the developer experience (dx) to streamline the API development process. This innovative platform empowers developers to effortlessly design, develop, test, and document APIs with a user-friendly interface and a suite of powerful features, fostering seamless collaboration among team members.

Key Features of Firecamp:

🌈 Best-in-Class Developer Experience: Drawing inspiration from the beloved Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Firecamp delivers a developer experience that sets it apart.

📡 Multi-Protocol Testing Capabilities: Test with ease using Rest, GraphQL, Websocket, and SocketIO APIs, embracing a wide range of protocols.

👐 Collaboration Excellence: Collaborate efficiently on API collections across the workspace and within your team.

All-in-One Platform: Build APIs faster without switching tools. Enjoy documentation, CLI, CI/CD, all under one roof.

🚀 Getting Started with Firecamp:

  1. Sign in to Firecamp at
  2. Follow the Getting Started guide from the documentation.
  3. Dive into developing and testing your APIs with Firecamp.

Explore the Firecamp documentation for comprehensive walkthroughs and insights into its various features and capabilities.

🔬 Features Offered by Firecamp:

  • Collection Management: Efficiently manage collections of APIs for seamless team collaboration.
  • API Playgrounds: Instant playgrounds for Rest, GraphQL, and more.
  • Team Collaboration: Collaborate centrally within a shared workspace.
  • Authentication: Test and debug auth endpoints with supported authentications.
  • Scripts: Utilize pre-request and test scripts to interpret APIs.
  • Dynamic Variables: Set dynamic values in variables for platform-wide reuse.
  • Firecamp Web: Quick access to the web platform.

🏕️ API Playgrounds:

Experience dedicated GUI playgrounds for Rest, GraphQL, WebSocket, and APIs. Enhance collaboration with intuitive testing clients for each protocol.

  • Rest Playground: Lightweight, IntelliSense, and next-gen testing client.
  • GraphQL Playground: Seamless GraphQL operations and collaborative sharing.
  • WebSocket Playground: Precise debugging of bidirectional connections.
  • Playground: Monitor events collaboratively in a SocketIO environment.

🛣️ Roadmap:

  • Desktop Apps: Soon, get a desktop app for your preferred OS/platform.
  • Self-Hosted: Host Firecamp on your server.
  • CLI & CI/CD: Run tests in the terminal or integrate into CI/CD pipelines.
  • API Test Runner: Visualize and run API Collections within the platform.
  • API Documentation: Publish beautiful API documentation for your team.
  • AI Capabilities: Cutting-edge AI-powered features for advanced functionality.
  • SSL and Proxy: Use custom SSL certificates and set up a proxy for testing.

🏆 Community and Support:

Join the Firecamp community on Discord for support and updates. Check out the Firecamp Blog for the latest tutorials and articles.

For documentation, community, and updates:

If you encounter bugs, have suggestions, or want to contribute, open an issue on the Firecamp GitHub repository.

💭 Philosophy:

Firecamp addresses the challenges of decentralized tools, processes, and people in API development. By bringing the VS Code philosophy to Firecamp, the platform aims to enhance developer productivity, accelerate release times, and improve team collaboration.

🏄 What Makes Firecamp Cool?

Firecamp stands out as a multi-protocol API platform, supporting end-to-end testing and development of Rest, GraphQL, WebSocket, and various other APIs. With compatibility for major API specifications and protocols, Firecamp facilitates seamless testing, documentation, and collaboration between backend, frontend, and mobile teams. Revolutionize your API development experience with Firecamp!

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